Welcome to the CRISTA Neighbors Blog Site!
Our goal is to utilize this communication channel to keep you, our neighbors, informed of current events on our Shoreline Campus, and to provide an easy means for you to communicate back to us. Please feel free to comment on things that are working well, or express concerns or corrective action that you would like us to address.
To receive email updates via this blog, you need to “subscribe” to the blog by registering on the website. Whenever updates to the blog are made by CRISTA, an automatic notice will be sent to you and you can check in for the updates, at your convenience.
Thanks for making this a part of your planning and please give us your feedback!
- How often will the blog be updated? Crista hopes to provide an update a few times a month.
- Is this where the Master Plan updates will be posted? Crista will continue to maintain their Master Plan website cristaplan.org and provide any revisions or updates to the plan, on that website. If there are calendar changes made to the review process, we plan on providing mention of them in the blog. The official notices will continue to follow the process dictated by the City of Shoreline’s ordinances.
- How many folks call Crista “home”? Including independent living, assisted living and the nursing center, there are 670 current residents on our Crista Shoreline Campus.
- How many students attend King’s Schools? Between the preschool through high school classes, there are approximately 1,200 students at King’s.
- How do I get email updates to the blog? On the footer of our website, you can find a Subscription form. Enter your E-mail address to get notified of new posts via e-mail