King’s Schools is out for the summer and our summer campus projects are underway, while the students are on their break.
We will be removing one of the science classrooms, annex #3, just off of N. 195th (west of the water towers) and installing surface parking in this area. Science classroom, Annex #1 just two buildings to the west, will be renovated this summer to accommodate King’s Schools Admissions offices. We plan to resurface a number of our parking lots that have aged and require sealing and re striping. We will be installing a carport structure on CRISTA Lane, by the nurse center, that will cover the existing Senior Living Bus parking spot. We have plans to paint and perform brick restoration on the exterior of the high school building. In addition, several CRISTA residential rental homes, around the campus, are also scheduled for paint.
King’s Schools will be running several camps for students on summer break. These camps typically occur on the Woolsey Stadium Football Field or in the two campus gymnasiums.
We have had a beautiful start to the summer and look forward to good conditions to continue that will allow all these projects to be completed on schedule.
Thank you!